
Can a straight guy wear panties if they like them? - Quora

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Why are bikini briefs on men viewed as gay? - Quora

What types of panties do you find most comfortable (for guys)? - Quora

Can a straight guy wear panties if they like them? - Quora

Why do men like panties? - Quora

What do most straight girls think of guys who wear panties? - Quora

How does wet underwear look like? Should I just wear underwear while swimming? - Quora

Why do straight men wear women's underwear? - Quora

Do men wear bras and panties out in public? - Quora

Why do men like to show their underwear? - Quora

What are the reasons that wives don't want their husbands to wear women's panties? - Quora

Why do they make designs on underwear when you are the only one to see them? - Quora

Is there any guy out there who wears the pink logo boyshort panties from Victoria's Secret? - Quora

Which lingerie brand makes the most comfortable underwear? - Quora

Do you like to wear boyshort panties? - Quora

Are bra and panties uncomfortable for women? - Quora