
Macroscopic covalent organic framework architectures for water

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Covalent Organic Framework Membranes and Water Treatment

Processing supramolecular framework for free interconvertible liquid separation

Figure 1 from Peer reviewed: tracking the distribution of persistent organic pollutants.

2D/2D nitrogen-doped graphitic carbon nitride/cobalt sulfide nanostructures for fast photodegradation of methylene blue dye and real industrial sewage - Environmental Science: Advances (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D2VA00208F

Covalent organic frameworks: linkage types, synthetic methods and bio-related applications - Biomaterials Science (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D3BM01247F

Covalent organic frameworks as highly versatile materials for the removal and electrochemical sensing of organic pollutants - ScienceDirect

Highly stable β-ketoenamine-based covalent organic frameworks (COFs): synthesis and optoelectrical applications

Dinesh Shetty's research works Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi (KU) and other places

Highly stable β-ketoenamine-based covalent organic frameworks (COFs): synthesis and optoelectrical applications

Highly stable β-ketoenamine-based covalent organic frameworks (COFs): synthesis and optoelectrical applications

COF-LZU-1 [(TFB)2(PDA)3]imine carrier for pH-controlled drug delivery

Abdul Khayum Mohammed's research works Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi (KU) and other places